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Collaborative Book Project for 2017

Santa Fe Book Arts Group 2017 Collaborative Book Project


Participants must be BAG members in good standing.


Origin of the Idea for this Collaborative Book

Libros Book Guild’s collaborative book project this year (in February, as usual) was exceptionally fun and resulted in an extraordinary collaborative book for each participant. Linda Zwick requested and received permission from representatives of Libros Book Guild (including Kim Zuidema, who originated the design of this year’s collaborative for Libros) to closely follow the 2017 Libros collaborative design. We very much appreciate this opportunity to adopt and adapt such a successful collaborative book design.


Squiggle–defined by Google as “a short line that curls and loops in an irregular way” and by the Cambridge Dictionary as “a short line written or drawn in an irregular, curving way.” One or more squiggles are to appear on a participants’ pages.

Color Palette

The color palette for artwork on the pages is limited to the following: black, white, shades of gray, gold or silver metallic. Please resist using any other colors.

Paper and Other Materials

Participants must use Rives BFK white 250g paper for their pages; NO substitutions are permitted. Linda Zwick will make a bulk purchase and will make the paper available to participants at cost (which will probably be $10 to $13 depending on the number of participants, and, thus, the number of sheets needed).

The pages will be joined using double-sided tape, which worked extremely well for the Libros Collaborative book. Linda Zwick will make a bulk purchase of double-sided tape and will make rolls of the tape available to participants. Estimated cost of the tape is $8 to $10 per roll; each book will likely use less than 1 roll.

Final information about paper and double-sided tape costs will be sent to participants when the participant count is finalized.

Book board will be provided to participants at the compilation meeting and participants should bring their own book cloth or paper to cover the book board for their book covers.

Book Structure

Each page will be 5 inches tall by 10 inches wide (grain short) and will have a vertical fold in the center of the page. Thus, the finished book will be 5 inches x 5 inches, and approximately 3 inches thick.

The book will use a Leporello binding. The Libros instructions noted that the Leporello binding technique is named after a character in Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni. In the opera, Don Giovanni seduces so many women that when his manservant, Leporello, displays a tally of them all it unfolds across the stage.

In Sum

Each Participant Will Bring to the Compilation Meeting:

Each Participant will be Provided, at cost:

Each Participant will be Provided, at the Compilation Meeting:

Questions? Contact Linda Zwick at

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